It's not me, it's you. Let's call this delegation. This is counter to most streams of thought which tell you that anything you perceive in anyone else is a reflection of something in yourself. So you do your own work and see what shifts. But then you get to a point where this is your own work. Because if you can feel it, you need to call it. Maybe not out loud, but firmly and silently. Because the bigger you become, the more you can feel other people and their stuff. Or they'll unconsciously try to project it onto you. And if you feel bad about seeing negativity in others you'll end up sucking it up. You need to call it. You need to give it a name. Pretending it's not there is not loving. And when you do, don't allow yourself to feel bad or guilty. Demons go for the jugular every time so you need to be tough. They will say: 'you don't understand me or what I've been through', 'I'm being nice', 'I'm just worried about you', 'you are not so perfect yourself' etc. etc. All these things sound reasonable, play to your compassion, and are designed to get you to back off so that you'll leave them alone to be small. It takes practice, but if you do this your relationship with the real person you care about will improve and more love will flow between you. It's actually an act of trust in the other person - you don't need to rescue them from seeing what needs to be seen and correcting it. It's not me, it's you. Because it puts you back in touch with who you are, standing firm in your inner light. This is work in progress. I'm an empathic healer which makes this really tricky so I have been finding rage useful. Allowing rage helps to integrate the shadow body and it's not the same as anger at all. Anger is more superficial, reactive and based in the ego and its attendant emotions. Rage is a much purer cleansing power which bubbles up from your belly in the same way laughter does. Rage is loving, and should leave you feeling light and joyful. It can even be funny. Here is a selection of four poems around this theme. Rage-y, muscle-the-demon-to-the-ground-y alchemy: this is me, and it's not ok to be aggressive, passive aggressive, cynical, victimised, reductionist, self-righteous, pious, complacent, patronising or accusatory around me. We are all heart-broken, maimed, limbless athletes in the Paralympics. But we can still GO. I am not here to make friends to seek reassurances from you I am not here to blend in I am here to BE to express something new Suddenly it’s not ok for you to deny me to pretend that I’m not real to make me doubt my soul and what I feel It’s not ok for you to humour me to redefine this cynically I hear your demons they are carping at me They want to make me small so that you don’t have to let go But it’s not ok anymore when I look at the work that I’ve done the passion that I’ve shown the truth that I’ve grown to feel your indifference If you try to give me bullshit if you are nice if you try to be understanding show me sympathy or worry but we are feeding your pretense I will grab you by the throat and shake you If you take the moral high ground I will slap you and pull it out from under you It is kinder than the violence this does to my soul If you play the victim I will keep away from you lest you make me your next aggressor I am on my knees at the beauty of this but you are unmoved Where is your fire? You are busy, you are tired... Let me tell you how God is busy Did you not see what happened there in that microscopic moment? how the universe realigned itself to my pretty? Can you do that? Who will give you permission to call the clouds to attention the moon and stars to heel? I want to see the rage in you that burns your self to ashes I am not gossiping with other inmates I am standing at the door and turning the key Will you be free? How much love do you allow yourself to give? This is the only question If you think it is other your arguments are clever But our soul is a simple thing
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March 2019
Tantra Mataji | confidence - freedom - passion |