The journey
One spring day, the North Wind and the Sun were arguing which was the stronger. As they were arguing, a young traveller came along wrapped in a warm cloak. They agreed that to settle their dispute, the one who first succeeded in making the traveller take her cloak off would be considered the strongest. The North Wind blew as hard as he could, but the more he blew, the closer the traveller pulled her cloak around her to keep out the cold. Finally the North Wind gave up. Then the Sun came out. He shone and shone, and then shone some more. The traveller felt warm from the sun's rays and quickly took off her cloak and enjoyed the warm glow of it on her skin. |
The story
In 2015 I first encountered Mahavatar Babaji, as well as other masters, and those experiences left me changed forever. It's a long story, but by early 2016 I was left feeling a lot like this picture on the right here:
Love started to happen - in me and around me. I've been on a journey, with no one except the inner guru to hold my hand. I've seen and learned things I really never expected to. This website is about discovering truth, celebrating the good stuff, the things that really work on the spiritual journey. Also, there are a lot of poems. |
The content on this site is designed to challenge you, expand your boundaries, create new connections in your mind, and destroy unconscious assumptions. Its purpose is not to offend, but to create more space in you for LOVE. This website is designed to enlighten, entertain, surprise and put new ideas and observations out there. I see you the reader as a divine being who can navigate through your own issues and shadow body healing. My foundation programme Body Wisdom Training is a good place to start if you would like to empower yourself to begin your own healing and tune into your own inner self.
Tantra Mataji is dedicated to beloved Babaji: guide, master and friend
All content copyright ©Jenny Mutlu-Collins