Principles of Healing
The philosophy of Tantra Mataji is based on various principles. If you have read my blog, Instagram or Facebook accounts you probably already have a good idea of what these are. They are the key to living in a more total, loving, authentic way which will bring you closer to the ecstasy of union. If you are in resonance with what you see here or would like to learn more, try to embody these.
Extreme compassion
Extreme compassion - for self and others. There is no punishment in any sense of the word. There is no pressure to perform or succeed as the world would currently have it. Relax and be kind to yourself, release yourself from any need to deliver and you are more likely to 'perform' much better than before.
Positivity - everything can be used, nothing is ever wasted, everything has a purpose, it is our job to find it. You are exploring. No one benefits from your suffering, but even this, which you will struggle to avoid as a human, will expand your capacity for bliss, pleasure, ecstasy, gratitude and appreciation once you tap into them.
Unity - we are all one. Our individuality is an illusion. We are one divine consciousness, many faces. We cannot be divided. You cannot say I am this or not that. I identify with this type of person but not with those others, the bad guys. You have to accept it all as you. Love yourself passionately. Love your other selves passionately. None of us are getting left behind because this is simply an impossibility once you fully embody compassion.
Service - or karma yoga - we are all serving each other, serving the divine. Some consciously, others less consciously. Meet people where you find them. They all have a gift for you if you allow yourself to receive it. You have a gift to deliver, but without pressure. Your daily, everyday service, the little jobs, the washing up, the taking the bins out, is as authentic and as important as ‘higher’ ways to serve.
Surrender - be ready to surrender to what life has in store for you without resistance, but bringing to it the highest level of consciousness available to you at any time. This is not about finding the perfect life, a ‘successful’ life, this is about loving the life in front of you, whatever it presents, acknowledging its abundance, and from this posture being open to receiving more.
Specifically, body consciousness and confidence, as opposed to the workings and chatter of your mind - the wisdom of your energy system. Bring consciousness to every situation and decision. Let your inner wisdom, guidance and connection to the divine guide you. Work at maintaining this connection at all times in order to keep you in a state of unity. If you leave this state you allow yourself to become divided. Act from this state as far as possible rather than your mind.
Shiva - Shakti
Shiva - Shakti - the creative power of the universe, the macro cosmic, reflected in the micro. Sexuality is a sacred part of your being, whether it is expressed in a physical sexual way, or in other expressions. Your sexual organs can also become your connection to the divine, your instruments of devotion, your radar of what is a good choice for you, in projects, companions, finance and food.
All site content copyright ©Jenny Mutlu-Collins